Social commitment has always been of particular concern to FKB GmbH.

Our sup­port ex­tends from spon­so­ring local clubs and so­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­ons, the pro­mo­ti­on of schools and the em­ploy­ment of disa­b­led peop­le in the field of as­sem­bly up to va­rious do­na­ti­ons. Thus, for ex­amp­le, FKB GmbH made a do­na­ti­on to the För­der­ver­ein für krebs­kran­ke Kin­der Tü­bin­gen e.V., a sup­port or­ga­niza­t­i­on for child­ren with can­cer, last Christ­mas.

Cur­rent­ly, we have sup­por­ted the Ne­ckar­werk­statt Sulz GmbH – a work­shop for disa­b­led peop­le which is plea­sed to have re­cent­ly re­cei­ved a new ve­hi­cle. Our cont­ri­bu­ti­on - in the form of the ve­hi­cle si­gna­ge – is cle­ar­ly vi­si­ble on the ve­hi­cle.

We be­lie­ve: a suc­cess­ful cont­ri­bu­ti­on to the sup­port of local or­ga­niza­t­i­ons!