Fire protection hose sleeve according to EN 45545-2

The head­line lea­ves no room for doubt – our fire pro­tec­tion hose slee­ve is brand-new and a ‘red-hot‘ issue at that!

Whe­ther it‘s in ship­buil­ding, in ele­va­tor sys­tems, in the au­to­mo­ti­ve in­dus­try, in bus trans­port or es­pe­cial­ly in the rail­way traf­fic – the issue of ‘fire pro­tec­tion‘ is enor­mous­ly im­portant. In this con­nec­tion, FKB’s new hose pro­tec­tion leads to in­crea­sed safe­ty for hu­mans and tech­ni­cal sys­tems. 

The spi­ral pro­tec­tion can ea­si­ly be in­stal­led and is sui­ta­ble for both in­door and out­door use. The hose pro­tec­tion meets the re­qui­re­ments of UL94/VO and has been tested and cer­ti­fied in ac­cor­dance with EN 45545-2 – thus the hose pro­tec­tion is the ideal so­lu­ti­on for the trans­port and rail­way mar­ket!