We say THANK YOU! Thank you for the trust you place in our com­pa­ny and for your loyalty.​Thank you for a great year of suc­cess­ful co­ope­ra­ti­on!

In this year, too, we have de­ci­ded to make a do­na­ti­on to the Kin­der- und Ju­gend­hos­piz, a hos­pice for child­ren and ado­lescents, in Stutt­gart, ins­tead of gi­ving Christ­mas gifts. We hope that our cont­ri­bu­ti­on will help the fa­mi­lies con­cer­ned to enjoy some ca­re­free time.

The ent­i­re team of FKB GmbH wis­hes you a Merry Christ­mas and a Happy and Healthy New Year 2019.